Wesley D Fitzwater
For more than 70 years, Fitzwater Meyer, LLP, has served Oregon clients with specialized advice and assistance. Today, with eight attorneys and a full complement of legal assistants and support staff, we are one of Oregon's largest and most respected Elder Law and Estate Planning firms. Our areas of specialty include:
* Estate and Tax Planning
* Special Needs Trust Planning
* Real Estate
* Business Planning
* Probate
* Trust Administration
* Tax Controversies
* Elder Law
* Guardianships and Conservatorships
* Long-Term Care
* Medicaid Planning
* Disability Law
* Elder Abuse
* Probate Litigation
Fitzwater Meyer LLP
6400 SE Lake Rd #440
Portland OR 97222
Tel: 503 786-8191
Fax: 503 786-3785
E-mail: wfitzwater@fitzwatermeyer.com
Wes Fitzwater is a partner in the law firm of Fitzwater Meyer, LLP. His practice emphasizes legal and crisis issues faced by the elderly and their families, including incapacity, guardianship and conservatorship, long-term care, and end-of-life concerns. Wes is a member of the National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys and has received numerous recognitions and awards for his work.
Wes is a frequent speaker to senior groups as well as Oregon attorneys. He is an author and instructor on topics including long-term care and Medicaid planning, incapacity, guardianships and conservatorships, legal ethics and professionalism. He is the co-editor of the Oregon State Bar publication entitled The Elder Law Handbook, a reference book for Oregon attorneys.
Born and raised in Oregon, Wes comes from a family of attorneys, with both his father and grandfather serving in the profession. He holds a B.S. from Willamette University in Salem and a J.D. from the University of Puget Sound School of Law in Tacoma, Washington.
